What's Up - January 2013

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2013

By Larry Shapiro

I hope you’re ready, and I certainly hope it’s going to be a good year for you. I suppose it’s safe to say it is going to be a better year for me … why, you ask? (And I hope you do.)

Well if you’ve been following my on-going battle with the FAFA Folks you know I lost my ticket because I told the truth, a lesson I no longer endorse. Their rationale was very flawed and I was determined to prove it. The jury is still out on whether I actually won my case, but one of the drugs I was dinged on is now FAA approved … so score one for the old Jewish guy, and zero for the FAFA peeps.

In May of 2012 I was invited to reapply for my license and was told it should be no problem. After many, many dollars, letters, calls, and forms, they have reluctantly (even though they encouraged me to reapply) reinstated my ticket and I am now legal to once again join you in the “Friendly Skies.” I am now BFR’d, night current, and a friend of the G1000.

Was it worth it? Yep, it sure was. The hundreds of calls and emails from those of you rowing up the same smelly creek made it worth it for me because many of us now have won, or will be winners soon. If I never flew again that would be okay with me, as long as I made that decision and not some paper shakers justifying their soon-to-be-in-their-mailbox-retirement check.

In all fairness, I did meet and enjoy some really good humans that actually convinced me that they cared about us, and they made the difference. Their gift to me, and I hope to you, is that they listened. I guess that’s what we all need and want.

My semi-final words on this subject: We’re all adults – even the teenage aviators. We aren’t stupid, maybe we’re a little light in the common sense department, but we are the ones that should make the decision on whether we should fly or not. If we can drive ourselves to the airport, dress ourselves before we get in the car, and aren’t wanted by the police, then darn it (!!!), we should know whether or not we are okay enough to fly a Spam can or better. Whew! I need a break!

WOW… it’s just what I wanted…

I’m not much of a gift getter – I don’t mean giving them, I mean receiving them. It’s always been an awkward moment for me … it’s the other reason I declined the “Noble” Prize for Eye Pollution and the Pulitzer for Tasteless Literature. However, and I use that word with caution, I did get a gift from a secret love that I wasn’t expecting. Let me digress for a minute … okay, maybe two minutes, something I seldom do (yeah right!).

Throughout the years I have been given, borrowed, found and tried many different type and brands of aviation head sets, (not head phones), from the old “vices” made of the hardest rubber in the world, to some foreign-made doozies I couldn’t pronounce, and of course the old standby green ones that we all had, have or refuse to fly without. I’ll admit I’ve tried (and please notice I didn’t say owned) many of their models and they all have their place in aviation history. Maybe it’s because they are bullet proof, or can be used as Chocks in a pinch, or because the other guys had them.

Then them darn electrified ones appeared, I believe they were called noise-attenuated doohickies, and they ran on batteries, plane power, or windmills, but they were interesting. I recovered from the sticker shock of these gadgets and just accepted the fact that this was the sound of the future. Those of you who know me have probably seen me still wearing my old white ones, to be named at a later date, and that was good enough for me and that’s the story I’m sticking to.

I used to say they were the best because you could leave your earrings on when you wore them – yes, I do still have my earring and that’s none of your business.

When I started hearing about $1,000 ones I only choked a little and gave my little white ones a hug for loyalty. Then, a few years back, when I was an airshow star and a legend in my own mind, I was asked to test flight a new idea that seem to make sense to me. They had custom ear molds that were placed in your ears, in this case, my ears, I thanked the folks from Light Speed and told them, if I liked them I’d tell you about them, and if I didn’t like them, I’d send them back. Around that time I was logging close to 400 hours a year and still dressing myself, but these were a gift to my head inside and out.

Well, I loved them and before I could tell you about them, they took them off the shelf. Please don’t ask me why, I don’t have the answer, but, on a scale of one to10, they were an 18. (Yes, I still have them and on long flights when I want to sleep, I still use them).

Then, one of my company’s hand-picked super pilots – actually make that two super pilots – started bragging about their new Zulu’s. I thought that was a girl friend they were sharing. They insisted I get a pair and that was that. When I shyly asked them the cost… I choked… remember, I’m still in the “tin-can-with-string” mentality.

Not wanting to lose their already questionable respect for me, I dropped a hint that maybe one of my wives should get me a set (for bragging rights I suggested two sets) just to one-up my wiz-kid pilots.

They arrived in time for my B-day, wrapped in their spiffy cases, and a lot of other stuff I haven’t figured out yet. But!!! – here’s what I do know for sure – they really are cool! They have lots of features I’m trying to figure out, but they are comfortable and quiet enough to burp and not hear it. They look great, my wife loves them, and I think I picked up about five KTS more airspeed when I wore them. To maintain my integrity with the Vatican City, I did find some five-year-old Light Speeds that I was allowed to turn in for a credit and that saved me enough dough to fill my airplane to the tabs. I believe all tax payers and their dependents are entitled to this trade-in allowance, especially if you mention my name.

One more thing, if you are thinking this is a paid endorsement, forget it. I paid for mine and if I didn’t like them they’d be on their way back to their mother.

Okay, just one more thing, I’m going to suggest to the L-Speed folks that they offer a shoulder strap attachment to supplement the short handle their case now has. That would free up my other hand for my water and lunch and make transporting these jewels a lot easier. You might also want to think about an engraved nameplate to identify the proud wearer and avoid getting them mixed up with the others soon to be worn by everyone I know. There’s a perfect spot on the case for it to be placed.

We can discuss my royalties with my next order. If I think of anything else during my 25-hour break-in period, I’ll let you know. If you’re applauding, I can’t hear you, I’m wearing my Zulus.

Just A Reminder

Don’t stop bugging the folks that tell us how to live our lives and let them know that we want that “Driver’s License” ticket issue resolved and passed. If we can drive a car we can fly an airplane. And, speaking of licenses, don’t forget to get your new plastic one – they are required now.

I’m Just Saying

 The weather has been changing. I don’t have an opinion on whether that’s good or bad, but I do have a perspective. I like walking around the airport dodging all the little water puddles, smelling the aroma of petroleum products mixed with the rainwater. I also like the quiet … something that’s not common on the non-rainy days. Everything feels clean and fresh and it’s a very happy place. Those are the moments when I remind myself how lucky I am to not only work in this world of aviation, but also live in it … I’m just saying …

Biscuits and Gravy

What? Yeah, biscuits and gravy, and they’re world famous ones too, especially at Flo’s Airport Café located at the Chino Airport.

Here’s the scoop (actually the plate): So I asked Janet, my new favorite server of great food, what should I order? She suggested I order what Flo’s has been famous for more than 30 years … yep, biscuits and gravy, my wife’s favorite and she wasn’t even there. After a 3.5-hour flight, my first legal cross country flight in four years, this was a great choice and the coffee was just as good … then Janet went on to tell me some great hangar flying yarns about some famous people that have eaten there. I couldn’t help but notice her good taste in reading material as I was leaving and promised I’d be back in a week … to have the peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream that I didn’t have room for this trip. Okay, she did ask me to sign a copy of In Flight USA for her, but what the heck … it made us both happy.

On Final!

Wow, how could I be so forgetful, I guess it’s too much holiday food and fun? December seventh came and went … and I missed mentioning it to you. I lived through that time, okay, I was in diapers, but I remember always hearing about it. You know I always ask you to remember our troops at holiday time, actually, I ask you to remember them all the time but especially now. With that said, I wish you the happiest and healthiest of new years and look forward to spending more time with you right here, same place, same time.

Until next time …
That’s Thirty!


From Gusto to Oxcart, Pt. IV


Goodies and Gadgets - January 2013